With the rapid development of integrated circuits, single-chip applications tend to miniaturization, applied to a small integrated chip circuit, so that the application of single-chip to get a greater play. Most of the early Internet technology used in the commercial field as information transmission, but now also began to more and more to the field of industrial control development. SCM is widely used in industrial control and electrical products with its small size, strong function, flexible and reliable, and remote control is one of its important applications. Today, the microcontroller also began to the direction of the development of the Internet, in order to achieve remote control. If the microcontroller serial port and the modem connection, which can be achieved with the remote computer to communicate, thus forming a new remote control program. But this program must take into account the line layout and communication transmission of the various difficulties, but also take into account the realization of the internal program and so on.
The main control part of the telephone intelligent remote control is composed of single-chip microcomputer, carries on the main information processing, receives the various control signals formed by the external operation instruction, and completes the recording various information; The interface circuit provides the interface between the MCU and the telephone outside line. Including ringing detection, automatic pick up hook control, busy tone detection, dual audio DTMF decoding, and voice prompt circuit. The voice prompt circuit is an important part of the telephony controller. In order to reduce the cost of the device, the system tone will use the analog voice recording and playback module ISD4002. Voice prompt circuit by the microcontroller control to produce the corresponding prompt voice, and through a specific feedback circuit feedback to the outside of the phone. So that the control of the electrical operation of the electrical control to achieve a timely understanding of the relevant information; display circuit for the state set when the display; control circuit interface can be connected by different devices to achieve functional expansion.
System ringing detection, analog pick up hook, voice feedback, dual audio DTMF decoding and other interface circuits have been in the actual product through the switch online experiment, with a strong practicality. The system uses the simplest circuit, the cheapest circuit chip to achieve the perfect function. The system also has many features that can be added, with strong market prospects.
Key words: single chip computer; telephone remote control; dual audio decoding