
银行排队叫号系统的设计毕业设计全套(论文 任务书 程序 设计图等)

时间:2020/10/14 11:04:58  作者:  来源:  查看:2  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要本文设计了一套排队叫号系统。该系统是以排队抽号顺序为核心,客户利用客户端抽号,工作人员利用叫号端叫号;通过显示器及时显示当前所叫号数,客户及时了解排队信息,通过合理的程序结构来执行排队抽号。以提高排队等待效率,解决排队秩序混乱,前拥后挤等现象,实现排队自动...

摘 要


排队叫号系统是针对银行、工商、税务、通讯、政府机构等部门的大厅工作流程设计的,是利用电脑的科学管理客户排队的系统,能够很好地解决客户在服务机构办理业务时所遇到的各种排队、拥挤和混乱现象,为客户办理业务带来莫大的方便和愉悦。本课题研究的是一款无人排队的排队叫号系统,它主要由系统主从机、键盘、显示电路、蜂鸣器电路等部分构成。系统利用AT89C51 单片机进行控制,通过串行通信方式传输处理数据;通过按键取号,在LCD1602 上显示排队的号码以及当前正在等待的人数;通过按键叫号,在LCD1602 上显示叫到的号码,由蜂鸣器发出声音提示客户。这种现代化的高科技产品彻底解决了银行、工商、税务、通讯、政府机构等部门的服务大厅普遍存在的站立等候、服务无序的问题,同时免除了令客户不舒服的站立式排队,深化完善了服务的质量。本系统采用AT89C51 单片机进行控制,利用LCD1602 显示,蜂鸣器鸣叫提示的人机交互界面,模拟排队管理系统,科学的处理各种排队情况,具有操作简便、控制灵活、显示清晰、制作成本低、性价比较高等特点。

关键词:AT89C51单片机  LCD1602  排队叫号  系统开发


In this paper, design a set of line up your turn system. Queue smoke number sequence as the core, the system is based on the client using the client, staff using your turn end your turn; By timely display the current call number, timely understanding of line information, through the reasonable structure of program to perform the line number. In order to improve the line efficiency, solve the order queue, held after the crowded phenomenon such as before, to realize the automatic line, standardization. Through the use of the system, the customer don't need to line up wasting a lot of energy, facilitate management order in line, at the same time to adapt the request of digitized information age management, raises the service level and quality.

Queuing system is aimed at a bank, industrial and commercial, taxation, telecommunications,government agencies and other departments of the hall work flow design, is the use of computer science and the management of customers queuing system, can be very good used to solve customers in the service institution for business encountered by the various queues, jam and confused phenomenon, for customers for the business has brought great the convenience and pleasure.This research is an unmanned queuing queuing system, which is mainly composed of master and slave machine system, keyboard, display circuit, a buzzer circuit components.The system uses AT89C51 MCU control, serial communication through transmission processing data; through the keys and number, the LCD1602 display line numbers and the current waiting number; through the button called, in the LCD1602 display the call number, the buzzer sound prompts the customer.The modern high-tech

products completely solve the industry and commerce, taxation, banking, telecommunications, government agencies and other departments of the service hall universal stand waiting, service the disorder problem, at the same time from customer uncomfortable standing in line, deepen and perfect the quality of service.The system uses the AT89C51 microprocessor control, using LCD1602 display, buzzer prompts the human-computer interaction interface, simulation of the queue management system, scientific processing a variety of queuing, and has the advantages of simple operation, flexible control, clear display, low production cost, high cost performance characteristics.

Keywords:AT89C51 single chip microcomputer  LCD1602  line up your turn   the system development

目  录

摘 要I


1 绪论1

1.1 课题来源1

1.2 国内外发展状况1

1.3 有线系统与无线系统3

1.4 发展前景4

1.5 系统的设计目的4

2 系统的需求分析5

2.1 系统功能需求5

2.2 非功能性需求5

3 系统总体设计7

3.1 方案论证7

3.1.1 方案要求7

3.1.2 方案确立7

3.2 方案原理8

3.3 异步通信9

3.4 系统的体系结构10

3.5 系统的软件结构10

3.6 系统的基本功能和工作原理11

3.6.1 排队系统的基本功能11

3.6.2 工作原理11

3.7 排队系统工作流程12

3.7.1 数据处理流程12

3.7.2 客户工作流程13

3.7.3 工作人员工作流程13

3.7.4 系统工作流程13

3.8 主要应用器件及技术原理14

3.8.1 微处理器介绍14

3.8.2 液晶LCD1602的介绍 16

3.8.3 硬件概要设计22

3.8.4 软件概要设计23

4 系统硬件设计25

4.1 主要电路设计25

4.1.1 主机部分电路25

4.1.2 从机部分电路26

4.2 功能部分电路设计26

4.2.1 单片机最小系统电路26

4.2.2 1602 液晶显示电路28

4.2.3 按键部分电路30

4.2.4 TXD串行发送和RXD串行接收电路31

5 系统软件设计32

5.1 排队系统主从机软件设计32

5.1.1 系统从机(取号终端)软件设计32

5.1.2 系统主机(叫号终端)的设计32

5.2 主要子程序流程图33

5.2.1 蜂鸣器子程序33

5.2.2 LCD显示子程序34

5.2.3 窗口消号处理子程序35

6 系统电路设计37

6.1 液晶显示电路37

6.2 声音提示电路37

7 系统 Proteus 仿真实现37

7.1 系统的硬件实现37

7.2 系统的软件实现38

7.3 系统集成与仿真38




附录A 主机程序清单46

附录B 从机程序清单57

附录C 总体设计图63

银行排队叫号系统的设计毕业设计全套(论文 任务书 程序 设计图等)


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