

时间:2020/10/14 11:06:22  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘   要××××大桥上部结构设计。大桥总长为210米:共七跨,每跨30米。梁的形式采用我国最常用的预应力混凝土T型梁。横截面为12.25米三车道标准分离式截面。预应力混凝土T型梁采用后张法施工。在梁的下缘,为了布置和承受强大的预应力的需要,将腹板下缘...

摘   要

关键词: T型梁    预应力混凝土    连续梁

Top structural design of slope bridge of the the number one of right line chong xi gou. The total length of the bridge is 210 meters: it is that 12 is stepped to always step and count. The length of every step is 30 meters.
    The form of the roof beam adopts the most frequently used T roof beam of prestressing force concrete in our country. The cross section is 12. Seperated section of three lanes of standards of 25 meters. Pieces of law construct after prestressing force concrete T roof beam adopt. In the reason of laying of the roof beam, in order to assign and bear the need of strong prestressing force, make reason of the web to thicken into " horse's hoof " shape . The web of the roof beam of T bears shearing stress and main stress mainly, generally does relatively thinly . The installation of the roof beam adopts and prefabricates the law of integral hoisting, prefabricate and prop up the roof beam simply at first , is hoisting with the crane, prop up seat place pour into cast-in-place concrete , one plays the reinforcing bar of prestressing force , enable its becoming continuous roof beam.
         Continuous roof beam have surplus restraint with structure, have higher structure rigidity compared with the situation that Jane props up the roof beam. Meanwhile, because the bridge is stepped on the pier in succession , the curve out of shape is even and suitable , favorable to driving a vehicle at a high speed. The continuous roof beam of the large span has increased the whole stability of the bridge, has improved project quality greatly .
T roof beam    prestressing force concrete     the continuous roof beam.
目 录
第1章 概 述 1
1.1 设计资料 1
1.1.1 设计资料及构造布置 1
1.1.2 施工方法 2
1.1.3 设计依据 2
1.2 设计特点 2
第2章 桥梁结构总体布置 4
2.1 立面布置 4
2.2 截面布置 4
2.2.1 截面形式 4
2.2.2 主梁跨中截面主要尺寸拟定 4
2.2.3 主梁间距和主梁片数 5
2.2.4 横截面沿跨长的变化 6
2.2.5 横隔梁的设置 6
2.2.6 主梁尺寸计算 7
第3章 结构内力计算 12
3.1 主梁内力计算 12
3.1.1 预制主梁自重(第一期恒载) 12
3.1.2第二期恒载 13
3.2 活载内力计算 14
3.2.1 活载冲击系数 14
3.2.2 车道折减系数 14
3.2.3 计算活载内力 19
第4章 预应力钢束估算及其布置 24
4.1预应力钢束的估算 24
4.1.1钢绞线及锚具 24
4.1.2 跨中截面的钢束估算与确定 24
4.1.3 支点截面所需抵抗负弯矩的上部预应力钢束的估算结合确定 25
4.2 预应力钢束的布置 26
4.2.1 连续梁预应力钢束的配置原则 26
4.2.2 跨中截面钢束布置 27
4.2.3 锚固截面的钢束布置 27
4.2.4 钢束起弯角和线形的确定 28
4.3 钢束计算 29
4.3.1钢束起弯点到跨中截面的距离 计算 29
4.3.2 控制截面的钢束重心位置计算 29
4.3.3 钢束长度计算 31
第5章 计算主梁截面几何特性 33
5.1 截面面积及惯矩计算 33
5.1.1 净截面几何特性计算 33
5.1.2 换算截面几何特性计算 33
5.2 各阶段截面对重心轴的静矩计算 36
第6章 次内力的计算 43
第7章 钢筋预应力损失计算 45
7.1 预应力钢筋与管道壁之间的摩擦:  45
7.2 由锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的预应力损失(考虑反摩擦):  46
7.3 混凝土的弹性压缩损失:  48
7.4 由预应力钢筋松弛引起的应力损失:  49
7.5 混凝土的收缩和徐变引起的损失:  50
第8章 主梁截面强度与应力验算 53
8.1 持久状况承载能力极限状态计算 53
8.1.1 正截面抗弯承载能力验算 53
8.1.2 斜截面抗弯强度验算 59
8.1.3 斜截面抗剪承载力验算 59
8.1.4 局部承压验算 64
8.2 持久状态正常使用极限状态计算 66
8.2.1 抗裂验算 66
8.2.2 挠度验算 74
8.3 持久状况构件的应力计算 76
8.3.1 受压区混凝土最大压应力和受拉区预应力钢筋最大拉应力验算 76
8.3.2 混凝土的主压应力验算 83
第9章 行车道板计算 85
9.1 悬臂板荷载效应计算 85
9.1.1 恒载效应 85
9.1.2 活载效应 87
9.2 连续板荷载计算 88
9.2.1 恒载效应 88
9.2.2 活载效应 90
9.2.3 荷载组合 92
9.3 截面设计配筋与强度验算 92
致 谢 94
参考文献 95
附 录 1 96
附 录2 102
第1章 概 述
    1.1 设计资料
1.1.1 设计资料及构造布置
1. 设计资料
桥宽:为分离式 左右幅均为12.25m 净—11.25m


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