

时间:2020/10/14 11:34:13  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要:  摘 要   本毕业设计的总任务是根据苏州广达4S展厅及车间施工图纸(建施和结施图)编制该工程的实施性施工组织设计和相应的工程量清单计价文件。   按照《2004江苏省建筑与装饰工程计价表》中的工程量计算规则计算工程预算工...

 摘 要

   本毕业设计中,套价利用新点2008清单造价软件,编制工程量清单计价文件,内容包括:①工程量清单计价表,包括:单位工程费汇总表;分部分项工程量清单计价表;措施项目清单计价表;其他项目清单计价表;零星工作项目计价表;分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表;措施项目费分析表; ②工程量清单,包括:分部分项工程量清单;措施项目清单;其他项目清单;零星工作项目清单;③工程量清单计算表、工程量清单所含计价表项目工程量计算表和措施项目工程量计算表。
   施工组织设计则包括如下内容:①工程概况及施工特点分析:主要包括工程建设概况(主要说明工程名称、性质、用途,开竣工日期、设计单位及施工组织的指导思想);工程施工概况(建筑设计特点、结构设计特点、建设地点的特征、施工条件);工程施工特点;②施工准备工作计划:包括技术准备、人力准备、施工机械准备、物资准备、施工现场准备及施工现场外准备;③施工部署和施工方案;④施工进度计划(Projet); ⑤主要分部、分项工程施工方法;⑥安全生产、质量工期保证措施;⑦文明施工达标措施;⑧施工现场总平面布置图(CAD图);⑨工地施工组织规划。施工组织设计是从人、材、机方面来进行施工布置,从技术、施工、物资等方面采取措施来确保工程进度、工程质量与施工安全。


   The graduation design task is preparing the project construction organization design and the corresponding engineering quantity list pricing document based on the Suzhou Quanta 4S hall and workshop construction drawings
   The construction budget is calculated in accordance with the engineering calculation rules in 2004, Jiangsu Province, construction and decoration Project Valuation Table.BOQ is prepared according to the construction project, the bill of quantities specification requirements. The basic part of the engineering for the hand count and other parts of the project can be calculated with Luban software. All components should be sampled with the Luban software and the quantity of templates should be calculated . After that we should select the showroom floor, all the layer of beams, columns, panels and stairs to count the amount of steel and template project with hands.
   In the graduation project, bill of quantities file should be prepared with the 2008 Epoint software, including: ① The Bill of Quantities table, including: the units of a project cost summary table; sub-part of the Bill of Quantities table; measures list of items denominated in the table; a list of other items pricing table; sporadic work item pricing table; sub-part of the bill of quantities unit price analysis table; table of measures to the project costs; ② BOQ, including: some of the items of BOQ; measures project list; a list of other projects; sporadic work item list; the the ③ BOQ calculation sheet, project calculation sheet the BOQ contained pricing table and measures to project the amount of computation.
   Construction design includes the following:  Project Overview and construction features of analysis: including construction overview (mainly to explain the project name, nature, purpose, and the completion date, the guiding ideology of the design units and construction organization); construction overview (Architectural design features, structural design features, the characteristics of the construction site, construction conditions); construction characteristics; Construction preparation work plan: including technical preparations, human preparation, construction machinery to prepare materials for construction site preparation and construction site preparation; ③Construction deployment and construction programs; ④ Construction schedule (Projet);⑤ Primary segment, the sub-construction methods; ⑥ Production safety, duration of quality assurance measures; the ⑦ Civilization construction compliance measures; ⑧ Construction site layout plan (CAD drawings); ⑨ Site construction organization planning. Construction design is from the people, materials, machine construction layout, technology, construction, materials, and other measures to ensure the progress of works, project quality and construction safety.
KEY WORDS   The Bill of Quantities;Construction Organization; Construction Scheme

目 录
第一篇   设计总说明 6
1  工程总体概况 6
2  设计依据 6
3  课题设计步骤 7
第二篇 施工组织设计 9
1. 编制的原则 9
1.1 编制总原则 9
1.2 编制依据 9
1.3. 总体目标 9
2. 项目管理机构及项目经理部组织 9
2.1 项目经理部组织 9
2.2 项目管理机构 10
3.土建及装饰工程施工组织设计 11
3.1 工程概况 11
3.2 施工部署 11
3.3 主要分部分项工程施工方法 14
3.4 保证施工工期措施 30
3.5 保证工程质量措施 31
3.6 保证施工安全措施 37
3.7 冬期施工措施 39
3.8 雨期施工措施 43
3.9 文明施工措施 43
第三篇  工程量清单造价文件 47
表一 单位工程费汇总表 47
表二 分部分项工程量清单计价表 47
表三 措施项目清单与计价表(一) 47
表四 措施项目清单与计价表(二) 47
表五 其他项目清单与计价表汇总 47
表六 规费、税金项目清单与计价表 47
致 谢 48
参 考 文 献 49



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