

时间:2020/10/14 11:35:44  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘    要   本毕业设计主要是针对精馏塔塔顶压力的控制以及对精馏塔塔顶压力控制系统的研究设计。精馏塔塔顶压力控制系统主要是分程控制系统,当用户需要的控制精馏塔塔顶的压力时,避免因压力不稳定而导致影响产品的经济和质量。当塔顶压力过大时,加大...

摘    要

   The graduation design is mainly aimed at the top of the column pressure control and the top of the column pressure control system design. Top of the column pressure control system is mainly points process control system, when the user needs to control the pressure of the top of the column, avoid the pressure is not stable and lead to affect the product's economy and quality. When the column top pressure too big when, to increase the flow of liquid cooling tower, if the valve is fully open pressure still increases, then open valve another excessive of discharge of the gas, so as to reduce the pressure of the top, guarantee the quality of the products and economy. The use is hot bypass and condenser process control points, points process control system is the process control system of a kind of complex control system, its main characteristic is a system with multiple valve and require a controller to the output of the divided into section to control different valve. This design is one system to control two valve, pressure in the top of the column when low, from one valve control tower of the column pressure, another valve seated; When the column pressure in the top high, one fully open valve, the valve control tower another column pressure when because of vapor phase bypass line no condenser, high temperature is competent line, so that the hot bypass ". In order to prevent the top of the column of pressure is not stable, so the thermal bypass points control. So the key is to choose the shut gas control valve type and scope.
Key words: the column, split control, pressure, controller, control valve

第一章  前  言 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 分程控制系统的概述 2
1.3 整体设计思想 2
1.4精馏段指标控制 3
第二章  控制方案的分析及确定 4
2.1 控制方案拟订的基本原则 4
2.2 分程控制系统的基本原理 4
2.3 调节阀分程控制的作用原理 6
第三章  具体控制系统的研究设计 8
3.1 精馏塔塔顶压力控制的工艺流程 8
3.2 控制方案的确定 9
3.3 分程控制的研究设计 9
3.4 控制阀的选择 11
3.5 分程控制系统流程图 12
3.6控制器的正反作用选择 13
3.7 控制过程分析 14
第四章  仪表选型 15
4.1 仪表选型原则 15
4.2 压力检测仪表的选型策略 16
4.3 控制阀的选择 17
4.4 控制器的选型 19
4.5 电气转换器的选择 22
4.6阀门定位器的选择 23
结   论 25
参 考 文 献 26
致   谢 27
附   录 28
声   明 31


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