

时间:2020/10/14 11:35:49  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要:  本科生毕业设计(论文) 题    目: 温泉公寓2号楼   基坑支护设计(地下水位-1.5m)    英文题目: Hot spring ap...



 题    目: 温泉公寓2号楼 
   英文题目: Hot spring apartment 2nd building hole excavated for building foundation 
  supports and protections design(The underground water level - 1.5 meters) 
 系      : 土木工程系 
 专    业: 土木工程 
 班    级:   
 学    生:   
 学    号:  11 
 指导教师:  职称:  
 指导教师:  职称:  

摘  要
   本着“安全可靠、经济合理、技术可行、施工方便”原则,整个基坑采用一排钻孔灌注桩作挡土结构, 锚杆支撑(局部地段采用钢管竖向斜撑)作为支撑结构体系。基坑四周采用深层搅拌桩作止水帷幕。基坑内采用轻型井点降水+集水坑排水。
    The Hot spring apartment 2nd building hole
   The Hot spring apartment 2nd building hole excavated for building foundation supports and protections design in Suzhou city, in the western of Zhu jiang Road and north behind Zhuyuan Road, closed with Previous Project One. The contractor, High technical Development Center of Suzhou, do the construction, consisted by 4 tall buildings and annexs,sinked plaza and catering entertainment facilities, including 2 basements, classified as frame and shearing wall construction. The average level of the construction for 0.00, absolute level is +2.48–+3.85 meters, according to the National 1985 regulations. The depth of excavation is between 7-9 meters.
   Considering of the geologic environment, excavation depth of the foundation pit, to create a safe and dry surroundings for the earth work and basement, we carry out the design in control of displacement deformation, in order to keep main traffic roads and buildings safe and to protect pipelines of water, electricity and coal gas below the surface well.
   According with fundamental technical standard, approaching safe reliability, the economical-reasonable and convenient construction and guaranteeing project time limit,we use non-displacement piles as retaining structure, anchor rod bracing and inclined steel pipe bracing concrete bracing as bracing structures. Around the foundation pit, we use deep churning piles as detaining water pile construct enclosed cut off trench. With the purpose of dewatering, we use sump and well point.
   Key words: Foundation pit, Bracing structure, Retaining structure, Anchor Rod bracing
目  录
摘  要 1
Abstract 2
引 言 1
1 基坑基本概况 1
1.1 基坑工程概况 1
1.1.1 工程概况 1
1.1.2 周边环境 1
1.2 地质条件 1
1.2.1 工程地质条件 1
1.2.2 水文地质条件 3
2 基坑支护方案选择 4
2.1 基坑支护设计基本要求 4
2.2 基坑支护方案选择 4
2.3 计算方案 5
3 基坑降止水设计 6
3.1 基坑止水计算 6
3.2 基坑降水计算 7
3.2.1降水井型和井点埋深 7
3.2.2 井点抽水半径 8
3.2.3 基坑单井数量和井间距确定 11
4 基坑支护设计 13
4.1 基坑支护方案设计参数说明 13
4.1.1 地质力学指标参数 13
4.1.2 基坑实际挖深 13
4.1.3 计算方法和模式 14
4.2 基坑支护结构计算 15
4.2.1 土层厚度和强度 15
4.2.2 桩锚支撑布置和计算 18
4.2.3 锚杆计算和锚座腰梁设计 23
4.2.4桩圈梁和竖向斜支撑的布置和计算 35
5 基坑稳定性验算 46
5.1 EF段稳定性验算 46
5.1.1 EF段工程概况 46
5.1.2 条分法计算EF段竖向斜撑预留土坡的稳定性 46
5.1.3 确定滑弧圆心范围 46
5.1.4 确定滑弧半径范围 46
5.1.5 将土坡条分 46
5.1.6 计算条分法中的各种计算参数 47
5.2 AB,DE,BCD,FGA段稳定性验算 48
5.2.1工程概况 48
5.2.2 地质条件 49
5.2.3 工况 50
5.2.4 计算 50
6工程设计结束语及建议 53
6.1支挡结构背侧,坑底土体的加固,坡面保护措施 53
6.2基坑转角的保护措施 54
结  论 55
参 考 文 献 56
在 学 取 得 成 果 57
致  谢 58


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