

时间:2020/10/14 11:36:08  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 年产5万吨聚合氯化铝无机絮凝剂生产工艺设计摘    要    随着水处理工业及造纸工业的快速发展城市化进程的日益推进国家对环保要求的提高铝盐产品新领域的不断开发以及聚合氯化铝无机絮凝剂取代硫酸铝,聚合氯化铝无机絮...

摘    要


    With the advance countries to improve environmental protection requirements and constantly develop new products in the field of aluminum and aluminum chloride to replace aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride market demand will increasingly rapid development of urbanization in the water treatment industry and paper industry, PAC next decade is still dominant in the field of water treatment products, and accompanied by the implementation of the new national health standards for drinking water, aluminum hydroxide as the main raw material for the purification of drinking water coagulant become the dominant product, currently with aluminum-containing mineral raw materials to produce drinking water PAC will gradually withdraw from the market, as industrial water supply and sewage (waste) water treatment leading products in addition, in recent years, the rapid development of China's aluminum industry brought alumina relative excess capacity so that the hydrogen alumina as raw material is abundant, but also a strong guarantee for the development of the PAC industry.
    Many PAC system of law, according to the production process can be divided into acid, subtraction, and in France, pyrolysis, pressurized reaction mixed gel, electrodialysis, electrolysis method. PAC PAC is a solid with a liquid spray drying or drum drying to obtain the spray drying is an ideal drying method, suitable for mass production, and the production of smaller producers using roller drying is feasible . PAC's current production methods are aluminum (including aluminum ash, lead slag), activated aluminum hydroxide method, aluminum oxide (including bauxite, coal, etc.), crystallization of aluminum chloride method and so on. This paper describes the physical and chemical properties of inorganic coagulant PAC, applications, introduced gray aluminum production process PAC, and the prospect of future research priorities and the development direction of the PAC.

Keywords: PAC; development direction; technology research

目  录

年产5万吨无机絮凝剂聚合工段工艺设计 I
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.1.1无机絮凝剂简介 1
1.1.2无机絮凝剂的基本物性 1
1.1.3国内外的现状及发展前景 2
1.2设计依据 2
1.3指导思想 2
1.4厂址的选择 3
1.5节能与环境保护 3
1.5.1节能 3
1.5.2环境保护 3
1.6安全防火 3
1.6.1消防设施 3
1.6.2灭火程序 4
2  工艺论证 5
2.1工艺原理 5
2.1.1生产方案 5
2.1.2 工艺路线 5
2.1.3工艺流程 5
2.1.4反应原理 5
2.2无机絮凝剂的生产技术 6
2.3发泡无机絮凝剂技术工艺比较 6
2.3.1塔式本体聚合技术 6
2.3.2添加少量溶剂的单釜连续本体聚合技术 7
2.3.3苯乙烯的悬浮聚合 7
2.3.4苯乙烯种子法悬浮聚合 7
2.4发泡无机絮凝剂生产工艺 8
2.4.1一步法聚合工艺 8
2.4.2二步法聚合工艺 8
2.4.3一步法工艺与二步法工艺的比较 8
2.5聚合氯化铝无机絮凝剂基本性能 9
2.5.1力学性能 9
2.5.2绝热性能 9
2.5.3化学性能 9
3  聚合工段工艺和生产流程 11
3.1聚合工段工艺过程叙述 11
3.2生产流程 11
3.3产品规格、原料及公用工程条件 11
3.3.1产品规格 11
3.3.2生产方式及规模 12
3.3.3原料 12
3.3.4工艺控制条件 13
4  物料衡算 15
4.1计算依据 15
4.2聚合工段物料衡算 15
4.2.1进料阶段 15
4.2.2出料阶段 16
5  聚合工段热量衡算 18
6  设备计算 21
6.1聚合釜的设计 21
6.1.1聚合基本数据 21
6.1.2聚合釜容积确定 21
6.1.3聚合釜的选型原则 21
6.1.4釜的选择 21
6.1.5聚合釜搅拌器的设计 23
6.2泵的设计 24
6.2.1计算依据 24
6.2.2管内流速的计算 24
6.2.3直管阻力和局部阻力损失的计算 25
6.2.4确定泵轴功率 25
6.2.5泵的选型 25
6.3换热器的设计 25
6.3.1设计依据: 25
6.3.2计算总传热系数 26
6.3.3计算传热面积 27
6.3.4工艺结构尺寸 27
参考文献 28
附录1  设备一览 29
谢  辞 31


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