

时间:2020/10/14 11:36:35  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 绵 阳 市 金 峰 中 学 教 师 住 宅 楼 设 计 毕业设计                &nb...

绵 阳 市 金 峰 中 学 教 师 住 宅 楼 设 计


                  姓名:X X X

目前在住宅设计领域,由于设计任务重,时间紧等各方面的因素,存在着较为普遍的套图现象,表现为:通过长期的经验积累和设计实践,对要承担的设计任务,简单的生搬硬套,将比较成熟的套型进行平面组合,根据现场条件布置总平面。应该说,这种做法有利于工业化大生产,加快了设计进程从而加快了整个建设进程,有其积极的社会效益和经济效益。但也应该看到,住宅是为每一个个性的人服务的,所以在满足共性之余,要更多的考虑居住着或使用者的个性要求,要针对不同用户体现出生活习惯和生活方式的差异。 对高校教师而言,他们就是一个相对特殊的群体。最直接的,他们属于高层次高品位高学历的人群,从事长期的脑力劳动,工作强度大;由于不坐班,很多工作都需要在家里完成;虽然盛传高校教师进入高收入人群行列,但事实上大部分教师的收入并不令人满意;一直以来他们的居住条件都不太好,期待着较大的改观等等。这些特点决定设计者应更多关注个性,以人为本,利用自己掌握的物质技术手段创造更适宜的人造环境。




    Currently in the field of residential design, the design task is heavy, the various factors such as the tight time, there exists a phenomenon of customers, the more common expression is: through the accumulation of experience and the design of long-term practice, design tasks to be undertaken, simple apply mechanically, will mature Taoxing plane combination, according to the conditions of the site layout plane. Should say, this kind of practice is conducive to industrial production, speed up the design process so as to speed up the construction process, has its positive social benefit and economic benefit. But also should see, is a house for every personality service, so to meet the common time, to take more account of living or the individuality of the user requirements, according to different user reflect differences in living habits and ways of life. On university teachers, they are a special group. The most direct, they belong to the high level of high grade high educated people, have long been engaged in the mental labor, work intensity; because do not stay in the office, a lot of work has to be done at home; although rumors of university teachers into the ranks of high income people, but most of the teachers in fact income is not satisfactory; they have been living conditions are not too good, looking forward to the great change and so on. These characteristics determine the designer should pay more attention to personality, people-oriented, use their mastery of the material and technical means of creating artificial environment more suitable.

Keywords: residential design / residential building design / teacher residential design


一、工程概况 1
(一)建筑结构概况 1
(二)水暖、卫、电设备概况: 1
(三)施工现场特征: 1
(四)施工条件: 1
(五)本工程的特点 2
(六)技术经济指标 2
二、施工组织布署 2
(-)施工区及施工段划分 2
(二)施工管理机构与劳动力组织 2
(三)施工顺序 3
(四)场地及机具按排: 3
(五)能源、资源消耗 3
三、施工临时设施规划方案 4
四、工程质量计划 4
五、主要分部分项施工方案 4
(一)基坑开挖: 4
(二)基础工程: 5
(三)主体工程 5
(四)防水工程 11
(五)楼地工程 11
(六)门窗工程 12
(七)装饰工程 13
(八)油漆、玻璃、涂料 14
(九)脚手架的安全防护 14
(十)水、暖、卫、煤气安装工程 14
六、技术保证措施 21
(一)进度计划保证措施 21
(二)保证建筑标高、轴线、外型尺寸、门窗、阳台等协调的措施 21
(三)内外交叉、上下交叉、土建与安装配合的技术措施。 22
(四)采用新技术、新工艺、新材料计划。 22
七、保证工程质量措施及安全措施 23
(一)质量保证措施及质保体系 23
(二)安全保证措施与体系 25
八、文明施工管理 26
(一)成品保护措施 26
(二)环境保护措施 26
九、施工进度网络计划 27
十、各项资源需用计划 27
十二、五张计划表 28


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