

时间:2020/10/14 11:42:54  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 年产5000吨饼干食品加工厂的工艺设计摘  要随着基础科学的飞速发展,新技术不断涌现,具有100多年起落兴衰历史的国际饼干工业,在饼干的花色品种、饼干生产机械化与联动化上都有高度发展,有的国家中已经使用电脑管理饼干工业生产。 国际饼干工业比较发达的国家有英国、美...


随着基础科学的飞速发展,新技术不断涌现,具有100多年起落兴衰历史的国际饼干工业,在饼干的花色品种、饼干生产机械化与联动化上都有高度发展,有的国家中已经使用电脑管理饼干工业生产。 国际饼干工业比较发达的国家有英国、美国、原西德、日本等国。驰名于世的饼干工厂有英国的夹可白饼干公司、日本的明治制果企业 、丹麦的凯德逊饼干公司等。饼干的花色品种至令已发展到上千种之多,主要品种有硬性饼干、软性饼干、梳打饼干、起酥饼干、华夫饼干、夹心饼干、巧克力涂挂饼干等等。100多年来居世界饼干业的王牌地位。到了70年代被丹麦曲奇饼干所取代。近年来,由于欧美人顾忌胆固醇与肥胖病,重油重糖的曲奇饼干的销售直线下降,低油低糖的高蛋白粗饼干受到人们的欢迎,特别是天然蔬菜或果汁制成的饼干更走俏,开发天然营养植物性的饼干新品种成了各国研究的新课题。


    With the rapid development of basic science, new technologies are emerging, with 100 years of history of the rise and fall of the ups and downs of international biscuit industry, in the biscuit assortments, biscuit production mechanization and linkage of both highly developed, some countries already use computer management biscuits industrial production. International biscuit industry is relatively developed countries, Britain, the United States, the former West Germany, Japan and other countries. World famous British biscuit factories folders can be white biscuit company, Japan's Meiji Seika enterprise, Denmark Cade Johnson biscuits companies. Biscuit varieties have been developed to make to the many thousands, the main varieties of hard biscuits, soft biscuits, crackers, shortening biscuits, waffles, biscuit, chocolate coated biscuits etc. hanging. 100 years of living "ace" status in the world biscuit industry. By the 1970s it was replaced by Danish cookies. In recent years, European and American people to think twice cholesterol and obesity, heavy emphasis on sales linear decrease of sugar cookies, low crude oil sugar high-protein biscuits welcomed by the people, especially the biscuits or fruit juice made from natural vegetables more popular, development of new varieties of biscuits natural nutrition plant became a new subject of national studies.
    This design is mainly based on "an annual output of 5000 tons of biscuits food processing plants process design" design plan design. Including the formulation of design, process design, equipment selection and design, thermal balance, design and calculation ovens, fixed personnel, production plant layout, graphic design and plant economic cost calculation.
      Keywords: biscuit food; corn biscuits; process design; plant design


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