

时间:2020/10/14 11:44:22  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘   要    球形压力容器(以下简称球罐)具有占地少、受力情况好、承压能力高,可分片运到现场安装成形、容积的大小基本不受运输限制等其它压力容器无可比拟的优点,在石油、化工、城市燃气、冶金等领域广泛用于存储气体...





    Spherical pressure vessel (hereinafter referred to as tank) has a small footprint, the forces, high pressure capability, can be divided into forming sheet transported to the installation site, the size of the volume from the basic transport restrictions and other pressure vessels unparalleled advantages in petroleum, chemical industry, city gas, metallurgy and other fields are widely used to store and liquefied gas. In recent years, our sphere of engineering and high-parameter technology have made great progress through the introduction of digestion tank, absorption and innovation, a lot of high-parameter sphere have achieved localization to China's economic development and make a positive contribution. To meet the demand for storage of liquefied petroleum gas, but also meet the needs of the petroleum, chemical, textile, metallurgical and other industries of the tank, there is an urgent need to develop special tank core technologies with independent intellectual property rights. The tank is a complex systematic project, which involves a number of disciplines and technical fields. For 5000 cubic meters of liquefied petroleum gas tank design and manufacture of several key technologies: aspect tank selection, structural design and stress analysis were studied, done the following:
    (1) read a lot of literature, on the basis of tank design and manufacturing method of systematic understanding on the completion of writing literature review.
    (2) Selection of the tank were analyzed and compared, and ultimately determine the use of 15MnNbR; on the tank for process design and dimensioning; according to GB12337-98 "steel spherical tank" of tank structural strength and design calculations.
    (3) drawing generation tank, complete tank assembly diagram and major components in FIG.
    (4) pressure vessel design analysis system (SW6-2011) of the tank intensity analysis of spherical shell bearing joints and stress analysis and strength evaluation.
Keywords: spherical tank; containers steel; structure; stress analysis


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