

时间:2020/10/14 11:45:57  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 盐山县污水处理厂初步设计摘要:水资源是经济可持续发展的基本保证,污水的任意排放或处理不彻底的排放,都会给水资源环境带来严重的污染问题。盐山县排水系统很不完善,大量的城市污水、工业废水无法及时处理,使水体受到严重的污染,当地自然环境正受到严重的威胁,并且已经影响到经济的发展...
   该污水处理厂原污水中各项指标为:BOD浓度为200mg/L,COD浓度为400mg/L,SS浓度为200mg/L,NH3–N浓度为35mg/L ,TN浓度为50mg/L,P浓度为1mg/L经处理后水质要求达到如下排放标准:BOD≤20mg/L,COD≤60mg/L,SS≤20mg/L,NH3–N≤15mg/L,TN≤20mg/L,P≤1mg/L。本设计对污水处理厂一级、 以及以 A/O 法为主体的二级处理工艺流程的选择给予说明,对具体污水及污泥构筑物结构进行了详细计算。
污水处理流程:粗格栅 → 污水提升泵房 → 细格栅 → 曝沉砂池 →A/O反应→ 消毒接触池 → 计量槽 → 排放;
污泥处理流程:剩余污泥 → 浓缩池 → 贮泥池→ 污泥脱水机房 → 泥饼外运。
污水处理厂处理规模: 15m3/d
关键城市污水处理厂  A/O工艺 污水 污泥

The initial design of the wastewater
treatment plant of YanSan
AbstractWater resources ensure the sustaining development of economy. Sewage  discharged at random or half treated can expose serious pollution to the water resourcesThe waster water discharge system of Yan San is not good enoughGreat amount of domestic and industrial waster water is discharged without proper treatmentwhich pollutes the river badly. The damaged environment is endangering the development of economic and people’s life.  The building of water drainage system is a must
    Various indexs in the raw wastewater of the wastewater treatment arethe concentration of BOD is 300mg/Lthe concentration of COD is 700mg/Lthe concentration of SS is 100mg/Lthe concentration of NH3–N is 35mg/Lthe concentration of TN is 50mg/Lthe concentration of P is 1mg/Land after treatment the water quality must reach the discharge standardi.e. BOD≤20mg/LCOD≤60mg/LSS≤20mg/LNH3–N≤15mg/LTN≤20mg/LP≤1mg/L
The design reasons the choice of primary and secondary treatment process— A/O processthe calculation of constructing process
    A/O is short for Anoxic-Oxicwhich is one of many biological nitrogen processesIt is adaptative in some large and medium-sized sewage treatment plantsI found that the A/O has the following advantagessimple processlow investment and good sedimentationso I choose A/O for the treatment of wastewater 
The process of the wastewater plant  that the wasterwater treatment plant adopted is as following:
Wastewater treatment process: middle bar screen → pump station → fin bar screen → aeration desilting tank → A/O process →secondary sedimentation tank→ disinfection of contact pool→measurement groove → drain;
Sludge handling and disposal process: excess activated sludge → concentrated pool → sludge tank → machine dewatering → disposal of sludge cake.
The disposal ability of the wastewater treatment plant is 15×104m3/d.
Key words: sewage treatment plant; Anoxic-Oxic process; sewage; sludge


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