

时间:2020/10/14 11:47:54  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 设计总说明    尼泊尔国家地形地貌和气候条件很适合发展乳制品业,乳业历史也已经比较悠久,但由于其国内的工业水平相对比较落后,所以乳品市场尤其是乳粉市场还存在很大的发展前景,目前市场上乳粉有些供不应求。该厂坐落在尼泊尔首都加德满都,...


General Instruction of Design    
The topography and climatic conditions of Nepal are suitable for the development of dairy industry, and the diary industry had relatively long history. However, the domestic industrial level of Nepal was relatively backward, so the dairy product market, especially milk powder market still existed great prospects for development. As we know, the milk powder supply was on the market. The plant which would be designed located in the Kathmandu, which is the capital of Nepal. Now the main products of this factory are many kinds of liquid milk. Due to the market demand, the factory decided to extend a instant whole milk powder workshop. The plant had may advantages, such as its own cattle farm, convenient transportation, sufficient water supply, etc.
With the rapid development of the food industry, china's dairy industry is more and more mature. From raw milk to all types of products, each of the processing link reflected environmental protection, energy saving, automation, information technology and other characteristics; process, workshop environment and processing equipments have reached a very high hygienic standard. At the same time, we take science as a guide to maximize the protection of the nutritional content of dairy products.
Designers read a lot of reference data and did corresponding material balance calculation to meet all the requirements. What the designers did mainly included the following: first, the possibility of liquid milk plat expansion; second, some of the material balance and energy balance;third, the public system parts, such ad the preliminary design, water, electricity, steam consumption and the necessary technical and economic analysis;forth, CAD drawing.
In the process of designing, designer made good use of the knowledge which learned in and out of the school and contacted with the practice. For example, in the design of the spray dryer, based on economic considerations, the designer used bag filters instead of the cyclone to recover the fine particle. At the same time, to reach the modern dairy plant health norms, the designer did a rigorous and reasonable region.
The design includes a design specification, 6 drawings: Process map, workshop layout plans, post-workshop legislature plans, workshops pipe layout plans, workshops and full-line perspective of a factory floor plan.
Key words: instant whole milk powder; dairy processing;milk powder plant design;double-effect evaperator;spay drying


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