我国能源结构特点是“富煤、缺油、少气”, 预计这一状况在今后相当长的时期内不会改变。原料结构多元化已经成为我国石化行业发展的必然选择,基于我国石油能源相对匮乏的现实,积极发展燃油替代产业是国家能源安全的要求。目前中国煤气化技术和合成气制甲醇技术的应用都已经比较成熟,而甲醇制烯烃技术经过多年的发展在理论上和实验装置上也已经比较完善。
The energy structure of our country is characterized by "rich coal, lack of oil and less gas." it is expected that this situation will not change for a long time to come. The diversification of raw material structure has become an inevitable choice for the development of petrochemical industry in China. In view of the fact that petroleum energy is relatively scarce in China, it is the requirement of national energy security to actively develop fuel substitution industry. At present, the application of coal gasification technology and methanol production technology from syngas in China has been relatively mature. And methanol olefin production technology has been developed for many years in theory and experimental equipment has been relatively perfect.
According to this idea, this project designed a set of 600000 t / a MTO olefin separation section process design. The design idea uses DMTO technology, taking methanol synthesis from coal to methanol section as the main raw material. The ethylene content of 99.9% and propylene content of 99.7% were obtained through the process of reaction stage -gas purification stage -gas separation stage.
Keywords: MTO; process design; olefin separation; coal gasification
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