This design introduces the production process design of 100 million acyclovir chewable tablets per year. In this project, acyclovir is used as the main raw material to get crude products by esterification and hydrogenation. The yield of esterification reaction and hydrogenation reaction were 90 and 90 respectively. According to the theoretical calculation, the production process was designed.
The main body part of this design instruction includes the product overview , process route discussion , whole process material balance calculation , equipment selection and calculation , workshop layout design , engineering economy , etc . Task time, coupled with the design experience, there are inevitably mistakes, I hope teachers criticize and correct.
Keywords: acyclovir; chewable tablets; process design; material balance
目 录
7. 质量控制要点一览表、工艺员查证内容、质量检查员检查内容19