摘 要
本设计根据给定资料,通过对原始数据的分析,根据该路段的性质、地形、地物、水文等自然条件,依据《公路工程技术标准》JTG B01-2003等交通部颁发的有关技术指标完成,在设计中全部采用最新标准和规范。完成了以下内容:根据给定起终点,选择合适控制点,根据等高线间距和选定的平均纵坡,初步拟定可行的路线方案,经修正确定出满足《公路工程技术标准》JTG B01-2003要求的平面线形,并做详细的线型设计,特殊线型设计;根据《公路路线设计规范》JTG D20-2006交通部规定最大纵坡、限制坡长、纵坡折减等,结合控制点和经济点的高程,确定路线纵断面设计线;根据公路等级和交通量,确定路面等级并完成路面结构设计;根据计算的汇水面积确定桥涵孔径,确定桥涵位置并布置涵洞; 同时进行平面交叉设计;并且在老师的指导下各阶段设计成果全部采用计算机绘图,运用同望概算软件进行项目概算。
关键词:路线,桥涵,设计 ,路基,路面结构
This design according to the data that given,by the analysis of the orginally data, according to natural characteristics, in orginally of road segant、hydrology geograph...etc. According to 《Technical Standard of Highway Engineering》etc. Ministry of Transportation & Communications distributing index sign, complete the design.During the design totally manage the lasted technical standard and general coad.Complete follow design. First, basis of the starting point and terminal point that given, select suitable control point and judging by the separation of two isohypsea and average grade,then preliminary define practicable plan of the route.Through reviseing determine the plan alignment fixed 《Technical Standard of Highway Engineering》JTG B01-2003.Second, judging by maximum longitudinal grade、limitde line of grade、grade compensation baded on 《General Code for Design of Route》ect,takes into elevation of economic point and point of minor control, define profile grade line .Third, take into degree of highway and volume of traffic, define the type of pavement and complete pavement design. Fourth, define culvert's diameter basis of water collecting area that reckoned. Define position of bridge and culverts and allocate culverts.Take avoiding traffic block and reducing traffic accident as design criteria.Do the Intersection grade design.Last ,in the help of associate professor Song feng li, draw with computer skilly and do approximate calculation with WCOST2002.
Key words: Route, Culvert, Design,Pavement ,Structures