啤酒含有蛋白质、维生素、挥发油、苦味素、树脂等,具有强心、健胃、利尿,镇痛等医疗效能,对高血压病、心脏病及结核病等均有较好的辅助疗效。产妇喝啤酒,以增加母体乳汁,使婴儿得到更充分的营养。适量适用啤酒对心脏和高血压患者亦有一定疗效。 啤酒生产是采用发芽的谷物作原料,经磨碎,糖化,发酵等工序制得.。在古代中国,也有类似于啤酒的酒精饮 料,古人称之为醴.大约在汉代后,醴被酒曲酿造的黄酒所淘汰.清代末期开始,国外的 啤酒生产技术引入我国,新中国成立后,尤其是80年代以来,啤酒工业得到了突飞猛进 的发展,到现在中国已成为世界第二啤酒生产大国。利用100吨的圆柱锥形发酵罐使主发酵、后发酵和贮酒都在一个罐内进行,省去了导管的烦恼,也为工厂节省了空间。尽管温度76℃,主发酵温度8℃,发酵周期37天,共50个发酵罐。
Beer contains protein, vitamin, essential oil, flavin, resin and so on. It has strong heart, strong stomach, diuretic, analgesic and other medical efficacy. It has good auxiliary effect on hypertension, heart disease and tuberculosis.The pregnant woman drinks beer to increase the mother's milk and make the baby more nutritious.Appropriate amount of beer is also effective for patients with heart and hypertension.Beer production is the use of germinated grains as raw materials, after grinding, saccharification, fermentation and other processes.In ancient China, there were alcoholic drinks similar to beer, which the ancients called Li.About after the Han Dynasty, Li was eliminated by rice wine brewed by wine koji.The late Qing Dynasty opened Since the founding of New China, especially since 1980s, beer industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and China has become the second largest beer producer in the world.The main fermentation is made by using a 100 ton cylindrical conical fermenter. The post fermentation and wine storage are carried out in a single tank, which saves the trouble of the conduit and saves space for the factory.Although the temperature is 76 ℃, the main fermentation temperature is 8 ℃, the fermentation period is 37 days, there are 50 fermenters.
Two packing lines are used in the pure draft beer packing workshop, which are canned spring draft beer and ordinary pure draft beer respectively.Among them, the annual output of pure draft beer is 40,000 tons and that of ordinary pure draft beer is 60,000 tons.
Keywords: pure draft beer; factory design; fermentation; saccharification;
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