

时间:2020/10/14 11:54:01  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要 在本设计中采用的是钢筋混凝土框架结构设计,框架结构比较砖混结构有承载力大、结构自重轻、抗震性能好、建造的工业化程度高等优点;与钢结构相比又具有造价低、材料来源广泛、耐火性好、结构刚度大、使用维修费用低等优点适于于多层建筑酒店设计面积总面积50...













Used in this design is the design of reinforced concrete frame structure, the framework structure of brick and concrete structure, large carrying capacity, light weight structure, seismic performance, and advantages of the construction of the level of industrialization; compared with the steel structure has a low cost, materials wide variety of sources, fire resistance, structural rigidity, the use of maintenance and low cost. Suitable in multistorey building

The total area of the hotel design area 5089.8m2, 6 layer, a layer of 4.5m, the standard storey 3.6m, top-level elevator room protruding, the height is 3.0m, indoor and outdoor height difference of 0.3m, seismic rating of the three fortification intensity 6.Part of architectural design, according to the function partition initial layout of the room, initially to determine the layout of rooms and facade decoration specifications, dry hanging stone outer wall of the lobby, rooms with marble floors, bathroom with ordinary tiles.

Structural elements, building materials, process requirements, to determine the structural layout program, select a product framework to calculate the dead load, live load, wind load, snow load to determine the load size and layout position, wind load calculated D value vertical load calculation using the moment distribution method, and then carried on the vertical bending moment AM, the internal force combinations, and finally using PKPM overall calculation, and draw the building plans and structural drawings


Keywords: frame structure, building design, load calculation, in PKPM building plans, structural drawings.





  - 1 -

Abstract- 2 -

  - 3 -

   - 4 -

第一章   工程概况- 1 -

§ 1.1建筑概况- 1 -

§1.2工程地质- 1 -

§1.3抗震抗风设计- 1 -

§1.4设计依据- 1 -

第二章  结构设计- 2 -

§ 2.1 结构平面布置- 2 -

2.1.1 主体建筑结构方案的确定- 2 -

2.1.2  框架结构布置方案及其特点- 2 -

2.1.3  框架楼面结构的形式- 3 -

§ 2.2 结构截面尺寸的拟定- 3 -

2.2.1 梁柱截面积估算- 3 -

2.2.2 结构平面布置- 4 -

2.2.3 基础高度确定- 6 -

§ 2.3 荷载计算- 6 -

2.3.1  屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值- 6 -

2.3.2 屋面及楼面可变荷载标准值- 7 -

§ 2.4框架侧移刚度计算- 7 -

2.4.1 框架侧移刚度计算- 7 -

2.4.2 框架柱D值计算- 8 -

§2.5、风荷载内力计算- 10 -

2.5.1  横向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算- 10 -

2.5.2风荷载作用下框架结构内力计算- 12 -

§ 2.6 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算- 16 -

2.6. 1.计算单元图- 16 -

2.6.2.恒载标准层计算- 18 -

2.6.3恒载顶层计算- 24 -

2.6.4活载标准层计算- 27 -

2.6.5活载顶层的计算- 30 -

2.6.6内力计算- 32 -

§2.7框架结构内力组合- 44 -

2.7.1.梁弯矩调幅- 44 -

2.7.2框架梁内力组合- 45 -

2.7.3框架梁剪力组合- 47 -

§ 2.8 梁、柱截面设计- 49 -

2.8.1  梁截面设计- 49 -

2.8.2柱的配筋计算:- 54 -

§2.9结构图绘制- 58 -

  - 61 -

参考文献- 62 -







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