“The bridge crack produced the reason to simply analyse”。
This design is according to the design project description request and "Road Bridge gauge" the stipulation, 3×40m simple supported beam bridge to Ziyangshi to carry on the nine-bend River to elect with the design. For the purpose of make the type of the bridge corresponding with the ambience and cost saving. This paper presents three different kinds of comparison and selection of bridge type alternatives for two-pylon, scheme 1: prestressed concrete simply supported girder bridge; Scheme 2: suspension bridge; Solution 3: through the concrete box girder bridge as well as the design and construction aspects of feng shui principles to consider more determine the prestressed concrete beam bridge (tapered anchorage) as the recommended plan
In the design, the calculation of bridge upper structure bridge is analyzed emphatically in the use of engineering zhongheng load and live load effect, the overall volume and weight coefficient, load set degree of internal force of dead load calculation using the lever principle method of live load transverse distribution coefficient of eccentric pressure method, and using the method of maximum load method for the load live load of beam reinforcement calculation, estimate the various loss of prestress steel strand, prestressed stage and using stage of main girder section and the strength and deformation calculation of anchorage zone local strength calculation and deflection calculation of bottom structure with double pier on the basis of the bored piles, using pot rubber bearing, and respectively on the piers and pile foundation calculation and checking
This design all design drawings using cad drawing, computer typesetting filings, print out the drawing and paper during translation a essay in English “The bridge crack produced the reason to simply analyse”。
Keywords: prestressed concrete、simple supported beam bridge、cast-in-place pile、cone anchorage device.