摘 要
本工程占地面积约1506.6㎡左右,建筑面积6318 ㎡。本建筑为五层,总高度22.95m,室内外高差为0.60m,女儿墙高0.9m。建筑总长度为54.6m,总宽度为24m。,女儿墙采用混凝土,窗均采用铝合金窗,门采用玻璃门或实木门。在设计中,遵循安全、适用、经济、节能、美观的设计原则遵照国家现行的建筑类设计规范及制图标准,参照教科书中的设计实例,查阅各种建筑及结构图集,所以该设计符合建筑设计的程序要求。
本工程结构形式为钢筋混凝土横向承重框架结构,柱子混凝土强度等级为C35,截面尺寸 600mm600mm,框架梁混凝土等级C35,截面为200mm
The building contains five floors and its total height is 22.95 m, the elevation difference between the indoor height and the outdoor height is 0.60m and the roof wall is 0.9 m. The total length of the building is 54.6 m while the width is 24m. In addition, the building is made of the concrete roof wall, the aluminum alloy window and the glass door or solid wood door. The design follows the principle of security, applicability, economics, energy conservation, artistry. The entire design process conforms to the current state construction design specifications and drafting standard. Meanwhile, the design refers to design example in textbooks and different kinds of atlases of construction and constructional structure. In a word, this design meets the procedure requirement of building design
The structural form of this project is reinforcement concrete lateral load-bearing frame casting. The strength degree of the frame columns is C35. The cross section of the columns is 600mm600 mm, the strength degree of the frame beams is C35 and the cross section are 200mm
450mm and 300mm
700mm. The soil condition of the building site is good with the concrete of C35. The design is strictly complied with the current code of our country including Structural mechanics, the code for design of concrete structures, Concrete structure and Masonry structure design, Basic engineering, Housing Architecture, High-rise building structure design, the code for seismic design of buildings, the load code for the design of building structures. The calculation methods in this text are the load calculation, the combination of internal force, reinforcement calculation, the foundation design, stair design, etc.
Key words: exhibition hall; reinforcement concrete; the frame structure
目 录