Title: Bill of quantities and valuation on office building NO.1 in Si Chuan
Major: Construction cost
Number: 201120213204
Supervisor: YANG ZHOU
Abstract:Since China's accession to WTO, foreign enterprises gradually enter China's construction market, so that China's construction industry has become more competitive in the Bill of Quantities which plays an important role. Bill of quantities greater compared with fixed pricing and comprehensive, to reduce the limit on a defined process for the selection of construction companies to improve the offer of autonomy, it reflects the individual cost of the project, rather than a fixed social The average cost.
The design of an office building in Si Chuan a project as an example, according to the 2008 ‘construction engineering bill pricing norms’ prepared BOQ Building a project, the use of macro industry bill software, according to the Sichuan Province in 2009 ‘construction BOQ calculation rules and denominated fixed ’on the BOQ be set at, come to the total bid price: 2,994,870 yuan. Which part of the project total price: 2,994,860 yuan; individual projects: construction 1.52 million yuan, decoration 1,474,790 yuan; measures and valuation list items (a) to 77,950 yuan; measures to the list of items with pricing (two) is 429,700 yuan; lists and other items to 87,450 yuan-denominated; fees to 58,540 yuan-denominated item list.
Keywords: bill of quantities and valuation, fixed pricing, bill of quantities..
目 录
序号 | 设计(论文)各阶段名称 | 教学周 |
指导老师 |
一 | 工程量计算 |
二 | 建筑工程立项,计算工程量 | 6周 |
(1) | 计算土石方及基础工程工程量 | 1周 |
(2) | 计算砼及钢筋工程量 | 3周 |
(3) | 计算墙体及墙中构件工程量及屋面等其他土建工程量 | 2周 |
2 | 装饰工程立项、计算工程量 | 3周 |
(1) | 计算基础数据 | 2周 |
(2) | 计算天地墙及其他装饰工程量 | 1周 |
二 | 上机录入建筑工程项目、工程量、组价 | 1周 |
三 | 毕业设计的撰写 | 1周 |
四 | 毕业的成果汇总以及文件整理 | 1周 |