[摘要] 山水新城小区位于山东省青岛市,小区景观规划设计的宗旨是给居民创造一个宜居的环境。设计中以“以人为本”的思想为指导,结合“可持续发展”的理念,根据“因地制宜”的实际情况,对接当下“海绵城市”理念的建设要求,打造健康生态文明的绿化小区。根据小区内部的绿化整体结构,将小区主要分为四大区域设计:包括入口景观设计、宅旁绿地设计、组团绿地设计和道路绿地设计,其中组团绿地根据其功能又分为儿童游乐区、健身活动区和林间漫步休闲区。该小区设计为小区居民提供了舒适的休闲活动空间,打造了宜居的住宅小区。
[关键词] 青岛市 山水新城小区 景观设计
Landscape Planning and Design of Shanshui Xincheng Community in Qingdao
[Abstract] Shanshui Xincheng district is located in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, the construction site is located in the west of Xinglong South Street, east of Zaocheng South Street, north of Fuchang Road, Fuxin Road south.Longshan community landscape planning and design of the purpose is to create a livable environment for the residents.In the design of "people - oriented" thinking as a guide, combined with the "sustainable development" concept, according to the "local conditions" of the actual situation, docking the current "sponge city" concept of construction requirements, to create a healthy ecological civilization green area.According to the overall green structure within the district, the district is divided into four major areas, including the entrance landscape design, residential green space design, green group design and road green space design.Which group green space according to its function is divided into children's play area, fitness area and forest walk leisure area.The design of the community for residents to provide a comfortable leisure space, to create a livable residential community.
[Keywords] Qingdao City Shanshui Xincheng district Landscape design