摘 要
关键词:山楂酒;发酵 ;陈酿;工艺;设计
Hawthorn wine is made of hawthorn as the main raw material processing wine, with hawthorn unique flavor, rich in vitamin C, can strengthen the immune system, promote wound healing and absorption of iron; rich in inositol and amino acids, can Inhibit the depression, and add the consumption of brain nutrition; it has a low proportion of low sodium and potassium, to help stay up late to work overtime lost physical, both nutrition, health effects.
At present, hawthorn wine industry in the production of fermented wine-based. China's Hawthorn wine consumer market development prospects are very optimistic, demand, consumers are mostly habitual purchase. With the continuous development of Hawthorn wine market, Hawthorn wine sales will continue to increase.
The design is an annual output of hawthorn wine factory design. It mainly includes the selection of raw materials of hawthorn, the production process, the operation steps and precautions of the production process, the control of various factors in the production process, the product quality control and product standard, the related material balance, equipment selection and cost accounting The Preliminary marketing plan, drawing factory layout plan, process flow chart and the main equipment of the three views.
Key words: hawthorn wine; fermentation; aging; process; design