摘要 山楂酒是指酿酒原料中的糖分完全转化成酒精,残糖量小于或等于4.0g/L的红山楂酒。纯正的山楂酒呈天然红宝石色,具有新鲜悦人的果香味。山楂酒中含有各种氨基酸、酚类和单宁等物质,适量饮用有助于身体的健康。我国目前山楂酒行业虽有着巨大的进步,但相对国际上的发达国家仍显落后。原料、工艺及设备的差异,使得国产山楂酒竞争力较弱。好的原料就等于成功了一半。想要酿造好的山楂酒,最重要的一点是取决于原料的质量。其次是设备和生产工艺。本文介绍了山楂酒完整的生产工艺过程,讨论了工艺流程中的一些质量控制问题及解决办法,对其可行性也进行了分析。本文设计了年产2万山楂酒工厂的原料前处理工段及车间,完成了前处理流程设计、物料衡算、主要的处理设备选型、生产制度的设计、车间设计以及经济核算。
关键词 山楂酒;原料前处理工段;车间设计;经济核算
Abstract Hawthorn wine refers to the red wine in the raw material of wine, which is completely converted into alcohol and the amount of residual sugar is less than or equal to 4.0g / L. Pure hawthorn wine is natural ruby color, with fresh and pleasant fruit flavor. Hawthorn wine contains a variety of amino acids, phenols and tannins and other substances, moderate drinking helps the health of the body. China's Hawthorn wine industry, although there is a huge progress, but the relative development of the international is still lagging behind. Raw materials, technology and equipment differences, making the competitiveness of domestic Hawthorn wine is weak. Good raw material is equal to half the success. Want to brew a good hawthorn wine, the most important thing is depends on the quality of raw materials. Followed by equipment and production processes. This paper introduces the complete production process of hawthorn wine, discusses some quality control problems and solutions in the process, and analyzes its feasibility. This paper designs the raw material pre-treatment section and workshop with an annual output of 20,000 hawthorn wine factories, and completes the pre-treatment process design, material accounting, the main processing equipment selection, the design of the production system, the workshop design and the economic accounting.
Key words hawthorn wine; raw material pre-treatment section; workshop design; economic accounting
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