作 者:
学 号:
院 系: 土木工程系
专 业: 工程管理
1.投标文件投标函部分,包括: 法定代表人身份证明书;投标文件签署授权委托书;投标函;投标函附录;投标担保银行保函;投标担保书,投标文件要求投标人提交的其他投标资料。
This design is to draw up tender documents of C engineering, the specific goals is according to bill of quantity calculation rule calculating engineering quantity, and carry on adequacy tender quotations; Applying the mature construction craft and technique carry on the construction organization design; Acquainting with the tender documents constitute, and drawing up relevant documents.
The engineering quantity calculation works adopt bill of quantity calculation rule, and note the relevant calculation rule in this text. Because tender quotations consider the actual and concrete related technique measure and index sign, so the management fee in the unit price analysis is mainly based on 8% of direct fee, partly with 4% of direct fee, and profits is based on 7% of direct fee, considering an actual ability, partly with 5% of direct fee. The technique part is construction organization design, adopting a more mature construction technique and construction experience, in which the work period is tight and reasonable, and labor force arrangement adequacy.
This text includes following contents:
1.Tender letter of the tender documents, include: Legal Representative's identity certificate; Tender document signed authorization orders; Tender letter; Tender letter appendix; Tender guarantee bank guarantees.
2.The business part of the tender documents, include: Elucidation of tender quotations; Summary form of tender quotations; The main material list tender quotations form; Sub-component projects in the list Quotation form; The measure item tender quotations form; Sub-component projects list item unit price analysis form.
3.The technique part of the tender documents, mainly is the construction organization design.
4.The attached figure part of the tender document, including to attached figure 1 with attached figure 2.
5.Engineering quantity calculation works part.
Keywords: tender letter; engineering quantity; bill of quantity tender quotations; unit price analysis; construction program