本次工程设计是棋盘洲阳新至大冶公路2标段 (K25+350-K38+399.424),按设计速度80km/h的双向四车道高速公路标准设计,主线整体式路基宽度26m,路基横断面布置:行车道宽2×(2×3.75m),中间带宽3.0m(0.5m×2路缘带+2.0m中央分隔带),硬路肩宽2.5m×2(含右侧路缘带0.5m×2),土路肩宽0.75m×2 ;路面横坡:行车道、硬路肩为2%,土路肩为4%。中央分隔带为平齐式;路基设计标高为中央分隔带外侧边缘处路面标高。
The road engineering quantity review calculation task: according to the drawing, calculates the corresponding engineering quantity, and compiles the calculation book and the engineering quantity quantity table. Write graduation design instructions, detailed description of graduation design ideas, road engineering quantity review method and process, required format specification, accurate calculation, reasonable and complete content, organized and clear.
Design of this project is Qipan Chau Yangxin to Daye Highway Section 2(K25) 350- K38 The main line integral roadbed width 26 m, roadbed cross section arrangement: carriageway width 2×(2×3.75 m), middle bandwidth 3.0 m (0.5 m×2 kerbs 2.0 central separation zone), hard shoulder width 2.5 m×2(including right kerbs 0.5), earth shoulder width 0.75 m×2; Cross-slope road :2% for carriageway ,4% for hard shoulder and 4% for earth shoulder. Central Government The design elevation of the roadbed is the pavement elevation at the outer edge of the central separation zone.
Keywords: highway; engineering quantity; calculation; review;
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