With the concept of education development, teaching and the resulting construction of the functional changes in the size of different functional space, organically insert laboratories, classrooms and other rooms and voice. While many new colleges and universities teaching in the classroom as the core architecture, but with a storage room, office. This design is a higher education teaching, Xinxiang, according to the building of the geographical location, the surrounding environment, geological conditions and the overall effectiveness of school buildings, taking into account teaching, the main composition, and teaching functions, teaching, the use of "一" type framework. "一" fonts teaching, gives concise feeling, a tall front to face the feelings, a platoon into the windows. Meanwhile, the framework for classroom large space requirements.
Key Words:
Design ideas; Functional Division; Body design; Structural shapes; People flows; Design points.
1.3 工程概况:建筑高度为16.500m,共四层局部三层,室内设计标高±0.000室3
1.5 楼面作法:楼板顶面为水磨石地面,楼板底面为15mm厚白灰砂浆天花4
1.6 屋面作法:现浇楼板上依次铺20mm厚水泥砂浆找平层、300mm厚水泥4
1.7 基本风压:ωo=0.45KN/m2(地面粗糙度属C类)。4
1.8 抗震设防烈度:七度(0.2g)第二组,框架抗震等级为二级。4
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