  •  2020/10/14 14:34:53


    DATABASE SYSYTEMS1.1 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSYou know that a database is a collection of logically related data elements that may be... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:53


    一、实习目的毕业实习是理论与实践相结合的重要环节,目的是提高学生的动手能力和综合实践能力,提高学生的学习兴趣,为提高学生的就业竞争力打好基础,使学生了解社会对计算机的应用现状及发展要求,进一步理解和领会所学的基本理论,了解计算机技术的发展与应用。同时,也是培养学生理论联系... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:52

    Introduction To Objects

    The progress of abstractionAll programming languages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you’re a... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:52

    Modern logistics management

    Modern logistics managementAlong with society's development, the profession competition is day by day intense, how enhances the working ... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:51

    Intelligent Vehicle

    M. K.Drost  Z. I. Antoniak  D.R.Brown  K.SathyanarayanaOctober 2005    Our society is awash in “machine in... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:49

    Design and realization of serial communication interface based on LabVIEW

    Design and realization of serial communication interfacebased on LabVIEWGuo Jie, Wang ZhaobaNational Key Laboratory For Electronic Measu... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:48

    The JavaI/O System

    Creating a good input/output (I/O) system is one of the more difficult tasks for the language designer.This is evidenced by the number o... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:48

    Overview of C# programming language

    C # (pronounced "C sharp", the Chinese transliteration no. Reading professionals generally "C sharp", is now generally read a lot of non... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:47

    Web 2.0 user interface technologies

    Web 2.0 user interface technologiesImagine that you are tasked to create a new application that will live in the Web 2.0 world. Some of ... 阅读全文>>
  •  2020/10/14 14:34:44


    从企业文化、学习型组织和定位理论看长青的基业摘要:文章通过论述企业文化、定位理论和学习型组织在企业中的实践应用体 现它们对企业发展的重要作用;以《基业长青》中涉及到的优秀企业作为案例 分析;供中国企业参考。关键词:企业文化学习型组织定位理论长青的基业一、企业文化文化一词来... 阅读全文>>
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